JAKARTA - The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) recorded that until January 31, 2025, eight companies had recorded shares with funds raised of IDR 3.70 trillion and so far there are still 18 companies in the IDX share listing pipeline.

"As of January 31, 2025, eight companies have listed shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) with funds raised at IDR 3.70 trillion. To date, there are 18 companies in the IDX share listing pipeline," said IDX Assessment Director Gede Nyoman Yetna in his statement, quoted on Sunday, February 2.

For information, here is the classification of the company's assets which are currently in pipeline referring to POJK Number 53/POJK.04/2017, namely one medium-scale asset company or assets between IDR 50 billion to IDR 250 billion and 17 large-scale asset companies or assets above IDR 250 billion.

As for the details of the sector, namely two companies from the Basic Materials sector, one company from the Consumer Cyclicals sector, six companies from the Consumer Non-Cyclicals sector, and two companies from the Energy sector.

Furthermore, one company from the Financials sector, two companies from the Healthcare sector, three companies from the Industrials sector, and one company from the Transportation and Logistics sector.

Furthermore, Nyoman said that so far, eight emissions have been issued from seven EBUS publishers with funds raised of Rp. 8.6 trillion and until January 31, 2025, there are 18 emissions from 14 EBUS publishers who are in pipeline.

The details of the sector classification are three companies from the Basic Materials sector, one company from the Consumer Cyclicals sector, one company from the Consumer Non-Cyclicalals sector, four companies from the Energy sector, four companies from the Financials sector, and one company from the Infrastructures sector.

Meanwhile, for Right Issue, until January 31, 2025, no listed company has issued a right issue.

However, Nyoman said that there are still seven companies listed in the IDX pipeline rights issue, namely three companies from the Basic Materials sector, two companies from the Energy sector, and two companies from the Healthcare sector.

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