The improvement in the misinformation, according to him, took place very slowly. Many residents are confused and wonder how much the US $ 1 exchange rate against the rupiah was after the exchange rate recorded last Saturday showed a figure that was very far from reality.

At that time, the exchange rate, which was supposed to reach Rp. 16,312 per US dollar, was recorded at only Rp. 8,000 per US dollar on Google.

Pratama emphasized that in today's global digital ecosystem, Google has become a major reference for many people to seek information, including currency exchange rates.

"When the data displayed is inaccurate and not immediately corrected, it can cause confusion, unrest, and even noise in the community," said Pratama.

Public dependence on Google as a source of information, he continued, made mistakes in displaying exchange rates to be more than just an ordinary mistake. Many individuals, business people, and investors rely on Google to make important economic decisions.

If the information provided is not in accordance with reality, this has the potential to cause a detrimental financial impact, both on a small and large scale.

For example, an entrepreneur who relies on a exchange rate to determine the selling price of export products may make wrong decisions due to inaccurate data. Likewise with tourists or migrant workers who plan to exchange their money.

Pratama menambahkan, Google seharusnya lebih bertanggung jawab atas informasi yang disebarkan, terutama yang berkaitan dengan data ekonomi yang sensitif.

Meskipun Google bukan penyedia data finansial primer dan hanya mengumpulkan informasi dari berbagai sumber, sebagai penyedia layanan besar, perusahaan ini memiliki kewajiban untuk memastikan akurasi informasi yang ditampilkan dan segera memperbaiki kesalahan yang terdeteksi.

"If an error has been detected and reported by many users, but not immediately corrected, it can be considered negligence that has the potential to harm the community," he concluded.

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