JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) has opened its voice regarding the search for Google which error on the rupiah exchange rate to the United States (US) dollar is at IDR 8,170.65 per US dollar this afternoon.

Head of the BI Communication Department Ramdan Denny Prakoso said that the exchange rate level was not the proper level.

"The level of the US dollar exchange rate to Rp8,100 as on Google is not the level that should be," Denny said in a written statement, Saturday, February 1.

He said, based on BI data, the exchange rate of US dollars to rupiah was at Rp. 16,312 on Friday, January 31.

"Bank Indonesia recorded an exchange rate of Rp. 16,312 per US dollar on January 31, 2025," he said.

According to Ramdan, his party is coordinating with Google Indonesia regarding the discrepancy in the exchange rate.

"We are coordinating with Google Indonesia regarding this discrepancy so that we can immediately make the necessary corrections," he said.

Meanwhile, Monex Investindo analyst Ariston Tjendra assessed that Google search made a mistake in terms of calculation from US dollars to rupiah.

"I think the error from the calculation of the US dollar to Rupiah. Google search miscalculated by dividing the value of IDR 16,304 in two," he said.

He also confirmed that the US dollar to rupiah exchange rate on other sites such as Bloomberg and Reuters still showed at Rp16,200-Rp16,300 per US dollar.

"Bloomberg still shows the same number, yes, Rp16,300. Reuters at Rp16,271. The major application used by the financial market still shows a figure above Rp16,200," Ariston explained.

"Except for BI, cutting the value of rupiah, such as redenomination, rupiah cannot be strengthened as quickly as possible," he concluded.

Previously, the rupiah exchange rate to the United States (US) dollar suddenly strengthened through Google's search today, Saturday afternoon, February 1, at IDR 8,170.65 per US dollar.

Based on VOI's monitoring, the results were based on a search when checking the conversion of the dollar exchange rate to the rupiah using the keyword "dollar to rupiah" at 17.45 WIB.

Then, this was also widely discussed by netizens on social media X and became a trending topic.

"1 USD= 8,000 rupiah is tight," wrote the tweet of the @pandu **** account on Saturday, February 1.

"Wow, what's wrong with USD dropping? Is this the time to buy gold wearer corn stock and popping oil a lot?" write a tweet account @txtanak****.

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