JAKARTA - The rupiah exchange rate (exchange rate) on Google's search results rose to a level of IDR 8,170.65 per US dollar on Saturday (1/2) afternoon allegedly due to an error or error.

Reporting from ANTARA, this figure arises from the search results for keywords "USD to IDR" and "exchange dollars".

Head of the Communication Department of Bank Indonesia (BI) Ramdan Denny Prakoso in Jakarta, Saturday, stated that the exchange rate of IDR 8,100 per US dollar as on Google was not the level it should have been.

Data from Bank Indonesia recorded an exchange rate of IDR 16,312 per US dollar on January 31, 2025.

"We are coordinating with Google Indonesia regarding this discrepancy so that we can immediately make the necessary corrections," said Ramdan.

To note, the rupiah exchange rate (exchange rate) at the close of trading Friday (31/1) weakened 49 points or 0.30 percent to Rp16,305 per US dollar from the previous Rp16,257 per US dollar.

Meanwhile, the Jakarta Interbank Spot Dollar Rate (JISDOR) on Friday also weakened to the level of Rp. 16,312 per US dollar from the previous Rp. 16,259 per US dollar.

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