JAKARTA - The state revenue and expenditure budget (APBN) worth IDR 48.8 trillion for the 2025-2028 period, can provide confidence for investors to invest in IKN.
Deputy for Funding and Investment of the Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN) Agung Wicaksono said this was proven that the interest of investors who had launched development had expanded to the 1B and 1C development areas (WP).
"Although the basic infrastructure in the area is still in the process of being built," Agung said, quoting Antara.
According to him, investor enthusiasm is very large, it can be seen from several taxpayers who have started laying the first stone, because of the certainty of the APBN budget for OIKN until 2028 which can provide adequate infrastructure guarantees throughout KIPP to 1B and 1C WP at investor parcel locations.
As for the focus in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) of IKN, it is currently in the process of developing WP 1A, because in this area the infrastructure is ready.
Agung stated that every investor who launches the construction has signed a Land Utilization Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with the IKN Authority.
In this PKS, there are development plans that include the stages and schedule of the project. One of the important things in the agreement is the investor's obligation to start construction no later than 18 months after the agreement is signed.
Investors who have laid the first stone for construction, he said, have a development schedule that has been explained in the PKS, so they will refer to the stages of the schedule that had previously been submitted to OIKN.
"Currently, there are those who are still in the design stage, some have started to build, and some have even completed the construction and started operating. So everything is going according to schedule," he said.
He explained that the flexibility in this schedule is needed to ensure the quality of the project, starting from design to implementation, even OIKN also continues to monitor the progress of each project so that it remains in line with the target.
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