JAKARTA - Presidential Envoy for Climate and Energy Hashim Sujono Djojohadikusumo stated that the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) was a failed program, because no US dollar was disbursed by the United States government.
JETP itu gagal, program gagal. Dua tahun berjalan, tetapi tidak satu dolar yang dikucurkan oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat. Banyak omon-omon ternyata, ucap Hashim mengutip Antara.
JETP is a global partnership to accelerate a just energy transition. JETP aims to reduce the impact of climate change and achieve sustainable development goals.
With the exit of the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement or the Paris Agreement, Hashim believes that grants from the United States through JETP will also be removed by US President Donald Trump.
"So, I don't think you should expect 20 billion US dollars (financing)," said Hashim.
ANTARA has tried to contact JETP Indonesia regarding Hashim's statement. However, until this news was published, JETP Indonesia had not responded.
JETP Indonesia is a US$20 billion funding commitment (around Rp301 trillion) for the energy transition program in Indonesia which was agreed upon during the G20 Summit in Bali in November 2022.
JETP funding is established between Indonesia and developed countries that are members of the International Partners Group (IPG), which was originally led by the United States and Japan and consists of Denmark, England, Italy, Germany, Canada, Norway, France and the European Union.
The commitment even increased to 21.6 billion US dollars, of which 11.6 billion US dollars came from public funds from IPG countries, while 10 billion US dollars will come from international banks joining the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) working group.
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