JAKARTA - The government will evaluate the National Strategic Project (PSN). This is to ensure that progress is in accordance with the initial goals of development.
"Mr. President hopes that we will review it well, we will evaluate it well together, whether it is on the track, whether it is in accordance with the initial goals and progress is good or there are things that need to be evaluated, adjustments need to be made," said Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) quoting Antara.
He said that Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto had instructed cabinet officials to review the development of more than 280 PSNs that had been running in recent years.
"Not only of course (evaluation) related to infrastructure because this is related to the economy, (but) related to various elements why a project is said to be PSN," he said.
He said the evaluation that would be carried out would also consider the fiscal budget challenges faced by the government in carrying out the PSN development.
For this reason, in evaluating PSN, he also emphasized the importance of determining project priorities and looking for credible and innovative alternative funding sources.
"The spirit for development that is right on target is also the consequence of priority determination being faced with budget constraints, but this is also a trigger for us to find sources of funding for infrastructure development that are also credible and creative, innovative," he said.
He added that development can not only rely on the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN), but must seek other investment sources.
"Investasi datang dari dalam dan luar negeri yang sekali lagi bisa membantu pemerintah melalui skema-sema yang baik, kerja sama yang baik agar bisa melanjutkan pembangunan infrastruktur," ujarnya.
He hopes that the infrastructure development carried out by the government will ultimately be able to have a direct impact on high economic growth.
Previously (7/1), Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, revealed that President Prabowo Subianto would evaluate national strategic projects that were less useful to the community.
"Then how will Pak Prabowo also do small things for the people and then how to evaluate the so-called national strategic projects that are not useful enough for the community," said Sufmi Dasco Ahmad at the 2025 Indonesia Development seminar: Hope and Challenges in Jakarta.
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