JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Agriculture (Wamentan) Sudaryono explained the reason for the government's lifting of the regulation regarding the purchase of harvested dry grain (GKP) for farmers.

Sudaryono ensured that this policy was for the welfare of farmers regarding the certainty of the price of the harvest. In addition, without this requirement, Bulog is expected to meet the target of absorbing 3 million tons of rice equivalent.

"Well, the problem is that the unhulled rice here (many conditions) the absorption target will not be achieved," said Sudaryono after attending a coordination meeting with a number of related ministries in Graha Mandiri, Jakarta, Monday, January 31.

He emphasized that the purchase of unhulled rice according to the HPP was also a direct mandate from President Prabowo Subianto. Therefore, Bulog is expected to play a major role in carrying out the assignment.

"That's actually the goal to increase the HPP of farmers' grain higher according to the president's expectations," he said.

To note, the government has officially revoked the regulation on the ratification related to the purchase of farmer's Harvest Dry Grain (GKP).

Policy related to the purchase of unhulled rice with a reaction was originally stated in the Decree of the Head of the National Food Agency (Bapanas) Number 2 of 2025 which regulates changes to the purchase price of the government (HPP) and the rice equivalent price of unhulled rice.

Based on this decision, the requirement for dry harvest unhulled rice (GKP) that will be absorbed by Bulog must have a maximum water level of 25 percent and a maximum vacuum level of 10 percent.

With this quality, Bulog can absorb farmers' unhulled rice with a HPP of IDR 6,500 per kg. Meanwhile, GKPs that do not comply with these provisions will be purchased based on the price of the axion with a HPP ranging from IDR 5,950 per kg to IDR 6,200 per kg depending on the quality available.

Now, the decision is revoked by the issuance of the Decree of the Head of Bapanas Number 14 of 2025 as of January 2025.

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