JAKARTA - The Ministry of Manpower officially opened a post for implementing religious Holiday Allowances (THR) in 2021. The aim is to provide consultation services, monitor THR payment complaints services to coordinate the results of law enforcement with related agencies.

Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah said that the existence of the THR Religious Post 2021 is a form of government facilitation so that workers 'or laborers' rights to obtain THR Religious can actually be paid according to existing regulations.

"This is different from last year. Because we involve our internal, all of our units are involved to command the THR post in 2021", she said in a virtual press conference, Monday, April 19.

In its implementation, the THR 2021 Command Post involved a Monitoring Team from elements of the Workers Union/Labor Unions and those from the Employers' Organization who are members of the National Wage Council. This monitoring team is in charge of monitoring the operation of the THR 2021 Post, as well as providing advice and input to the Post Team regarding the implementation of the THR 2021 Post.

Reports can be made offline and online

If the THR has a problem, Ida said, workers or laborers, can come directly to Building B, 1st floor of the Ministry of Manpower on Jendral Gatot Subroto Street Kavling 51, South Jakarta. With the condition, you have to use a mask and bring the PCR Test results or rapid antigen.

However, if you don't bring it, the worker or laborer will be directed to do a free COVID-19 test in the space provided.

"We also provide it for free (COVID-19 test). for those who do not have a COVID-19 certificate or not", she said.

In addition to reporting directly, workers or laborers can also report THR problems by visiting the kemnaker.go.id website. Here's how:

1. Select the THR post service. On this page, it has two terms, namely THR information and THR consultation and complaints.

2. Select the THR consultation and complaint menu.

3. Then enter the help center service, then select the complaint service.

Keep in mind, to carry out consultations and complaints, workers or laborers must have a user log in, by entering their KTP (Identity card), cellphone number or email, and password. If you don't have it, you can register first.

However, workers or laborers can also file a report via the 1500 630 call center. This THR 2021 post service will take effect from April 20 to May 20, 2021, during working hours, which starts at 08.00 WIB to 15.00 WIB.

Post is not only in the center but also in the regions

Minister Ida said THR 2021 Post was not only formed at the center but also in Provinces and Regencies / Cities throughout Indonesia. The establishment of the THR Post at the central and regional levels is carried out so that the implementation of coordination is more effective.

Ida hopes that the THR Post can run by the mechanisms and provisions of the legislation in an orderly and effective manner, and an agreement is reached that can satisfy the parties. In particular, groups of workers or laborers and entrepreneurs.

Furthermore, ask the governors, regents, and mayors not to hesitate to impose sanctions on entrepreneurs who violate the implementation of the 2021 Religious THR, by applicable laws and regulations.

"I ask for a role active governors, mayors to supervise and impose sanctions on businessmen who commit violations", she said.

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