JAKARTA - PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk or BTN opens opportunities to buy new Islamic banks. The plan will be carried out after BTN has completed the acquisition of PT Bank Victoria Syariah (BVIS).

President Director of BTN Nixon LP Napitupulu said this acquisition was the first step in consolidating Islamic banking in Indonesia. He said this consolidation was carried out to meet the direction of the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

"Yes, maybe later after (the acquisition of Victoria Syariah) we look for other Islamic banks that we see are good and suitable. It is very possible (the acquisition) that we feel is good," he told reporters written Wednesday, January 22.

Nixon revealed that the reason he wanted to re-acquire other Islamic banks was as consolidation to strengthen the position of BTN's general sharia bank (BUS).

However, Nixon has not been able to reveal which Islamic bank BTN is targeting for acquisition after Bank Victoria Syariah.

Furthermore, Nixon said this plan would also not happen in the near future. Because, his party will focus on spin off and developing BTN Syariah.

"This was done one first. We plan in the future, maybe like the OJK's advice. There is consolidation of Islamic banking," he said.

"So we can later help the OJK also see some potential that we can consolidate," he continued.

On the other hand, Nixon is optimistic that after the spin off of BTN Syariah is completed, his assets will grow rapidly and even in three years it can reach IDR 100 trillion.

Furthermore, Nixon said the potential came from the housing segment. According to him, public housing loans (KPR) are currently in demand by the public. In fact, the growth is much higher than conventional mortgages.

He (syariah) grew higher today. Talking about growth, yes, he is 17 percent. If the conventional one is only 10 to 11. So he has a much better speed than the current parent," he said.

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