JAKARTA - President Director of PT Bank Syariah Bukopin Dery Januar said that his party is quite enthusiastic about providing services to the people in Aceh Province through a number of financial products that comply with Islamic principles.

This is then proven by the presence of sharia services at the branch office located on Jalan Tengku H. Mohd. Daud Beureuh No 19, Banda Aceh.

"This is a form of our commitment to improve services to the community," he said in a statement on Sunday, April 18.

Dery added, there are a number of sharia financial products that the company offers to customers, including iB Haji Savings, iB Rencana Savings, iB SiAga Bisnis Savings, and iB SiAga Savings.

In addition, the business entity affiliated with the South Korean bank KB Kookmin is also planning to provide financing for MSME entrepreneurs.

"We remain focused on achieving the targets that have been set by taking into account potential, risk management, and prudential banking principles," he said.

For information, Bukopin's Sharia services in Aceh are a follow-up to the implementation of Aceh Qanun No.11 of 2018 concerning Sharia Financial Institutions (LKS) which mandates that all financial institutions in this region must implement sharia principles.

Bukopin himself has been recorded as having been present in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam since 1988. In the westernmost province of Indonesia, the company operates 1 main branch office, 3 sub-branch offices, 2 cash offices and 1 payment point.

The company itself claims that operationally and in information technology, Bukopin Syariah is ready to provide optimal Islamic financial services.

To note, the conversion of Bank Bukopin's business activities in Aceh from conventional to sharia is also contained in the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 28 / POJK.03 / 2019 of 2019 concerning Banking Synergy in One Ownership for Banking Development.

Previously, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI) would close all banking operations in Aceh in order to follow up on the implementation of Qanun for Sharia Financial Institutions number 11 of 2018.

"Alhamdulillah, BRI has transferred all banking portfolios and services to Bank BRIsyariah," said Aceh Province BRI Regional Leader Wawan Ruswanto as reported by VOI on Wednesday, April 14.

Meanwhile, the transfer process has been ongoing since July 2019 and ended in December 2020. BRIsyariah itself earlier this year changed its name to PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk. (BSI) following the merger with two other state-owned Islamic banks, namely PT Bank Syariah Mandiri and PT Bank BNI Syariah.

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