JAKARTA - Chairperson of ICT Watch Indriyatno Banyumurti regretted a number of content that normalized defaults made by content creators. Through the 360Kredi Podcast, he considered it a form of crime promotion.
"The default content is a negative promotion, if I extremal it will say this is a crime promotion," said Indriyatno Banyumurti in the 360kredi FintechVerse podcast, quoted Monday, January 20.
Just so you know, galbay stands for default, a condition in which a person is unable to pay or repay an online loan according to the agreed time.
Indriyatno detailed that various reasons for the galbay include financial limitations, poor financial management, lack of understanding of loan requirements to the inability to manage debt properly and wisely from online loans.
He added, along with the widespread use of online loans in Indonesia, galbay has become a term that is increasingly popular on social media such as on YouTube or telegram. Even content creators make it a content to invite and as if to justify galbay and there are no legal threats.
"In fact, this can have consequences such as increased fines, psychological disorders due to accumulated debt, to legal threats," he explained.
Indriyatno also said that the galbay content did tend to go viral more quickly because it was negative.
"The negative content is indeed going viral faster because we don't think about it. Hoaxes, hate speech, violence, it doesn't think about making it. Meanwhile, fighting it, we have to think. Why is there a promotion that fails to pay," he explained.
He reminded that there is a legal risk that will await content creators who create content that invites the public not to pay online loans. In addition to legal risks, he said, galbay also had an impact on reducing the credit score of LYK OJK. A situation where credit records in the banking world are black. This can result in difficulties in credit applications such as buying motorized vehicles or home loans.
"So don't take it lightly that you just give up your responsibility, avoid paying to fintech lending (pindar) and then living in peace." said Indriyatno.
Currently, there are 97 online loan providers (pindar) that are legally licensed by the OJK. OJK noted that the outstanding online loan financing as of November 2024 reached IDR 75.60 trillion. This achievement grew by 27.32 percent Year on Year (yoy).
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