The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has opened its voice regarding complaints from the Online Ojek Drivers Association (ojol) regarding the cost of cutting applications to drivers which is said to have exceeded 30 percent.
Head of the Bureau of Communication and Public Information (BKIP) of the Ministry of Transportation Budi Rahardjo explained that the Ministry of Transportation's authority limited to providing recommendations related to cut limits from applicators companies.
Furthermore, Budi said, the follow-up of the applicator company was under the authority of the Ministry of Digital Communication (Komdigi).
The Ministry of Transportation previously issued a regulation on the limitation of pieces of applicator companies as stated in the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KP 1001 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Calculating the Cost of Services for the Use of Motorcycles Used for the Interest of Customers Performed with Applications.
"So this regulation is in the nature of the Ministry of Transportation providing recommendations to the Ministry of Communication and Digi, if there are applicators who violate it. But the Ministry of Transportation does not have the authority, because the applicator company is under the Ministry of Communication and Industry," he said when met at the Ministry of Transportation, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, January 14.
Therefore, Budi emphasized that the Ministry of Transportation cannot give a direct warning to applicators. He said the authority to evaluate applicator companies is under the authority of the Ministry of Communication and Industry.
"In the past, regulations were made because there was an interest in transportation, even though the applicator was under the Komdigi. So we went to Komdigi only to provide recommendations for Komdigi to give a warning to the applicator. So the Ministry of Transportation cannot directly," he said.
In addition, Budi admitted that there was indeed a request from the ojol community regarding the issue of application cuts. However, he said, his party was still coordinating this problem internally.
"Usually we get it from partners, partners are applicators. (Supervising application companies) we don't have the ability or authority, it comes in because they are under the authority of Komdigi," he said.
Previously, the Association of online motorcycle taxi drivers (ojol), nGarda Indonesia complained about cuts in application costs exceeding 30 percent. The discount is considered not in accordance with the rules issued by the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub).
Chairman of the Association of Online Ojek Drivers at the Indonesian Guard, Igun Wicaksono, said that his party received a report from an ojol driver that the discount on application fees collected by the operator had exceeded 30 percent.
Igun said this violated the rules contained in the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KP 1001 of 2022 concerning Amendments to the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KP 667 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Calculating the Cost of Services for Using Motorcycles Used for Community Interests carried out with applications.
Furthermore, Igun said, in the regulation, the cost of discounted ojol applications is set at 20 percent.
While the pieces of the application applied by the operator currently reach 30 percent.
"Fakta yang ada di lapangan, rekan-rekan kami yang dari dua perusahaan aplikasi besar ini dituncang melebihi 20 persen, bahkan melebihi 30 persen," tuturnya kepada VOI, Selasa, 14 Januari.
"So this piece of application has violated the rules that have been made by the Minister of Transportation," he continued.
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