JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) revealed that it also provides support for the financing program of 3 million housing for the provision of houses for the community, especially for Low-Income Communities (MBR).
Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners Mahendra Siregar said this program provides opportunities for the wider community to own houses as well as encourage growth in the housing and construction sectors that are important for the economy.
"The form of support that has been carried out includes submitting letters to banks and other financial service institutions (LJK) in order to support the expansion of home financing for low-income people," he said at a press conference, Tuesday, January 14.
Mahendra added, OJK also provides space for financial service institutions to establish policies for providing credit and financing while still paying attention to risk management in accordance with risk appetite and business considerations.
In addition, Mahendra conveyed that the Financial Information Service System (SLIC) contained information that was neutral, not a blacklist or blacklist.
SLIC aims to minimize asymmetric information and expedite the process of providing credit and the implementation of risk management by financial service institutions.
According to him, credible SLIC is very important in maintaining the investment climate in Indonesia.
In the process of providing housing credit or financing, SLIC is used as one of the information in the analysis of the feasibility of prospective debtors, but not the only determining factor.
Mahendra emphasized that there is no OJK provision that prohibits the provision of credit or financing to debtors who have non-smooth credit, including if there is a merger of credit or other financing facilities, especially for credit or financing with a small nominal value.
"Once again, there are no OJK provisions that prohibit the provision of credit or financing for debtors who have non-smooth quality credit. Including if there will be a merger of credit or other financing facilities. Especially for credit and financing with a small nominal," he explained.
Mahendra gave an example, as of November 2024, 2.35 million new credit accounts were recorded to debtors who previously had non-smooth loans, based on data from all whistleblowers within the SLIC.
In response to complaints or questions related to this, we have prepared a special complaint channel through contact 157.
"In that case, various complaints related to the KPR submission process for MBR, including the possibility of reports regarding the existence of a paid-up certificate from financing loans at other AJKs, which may be too late. We can convey that we have opened a special complaint channel on contact 157," he concluded.
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