JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) through the Directorate General of Consumer Protection and Commercial Administration (Ditjen PKTN) has imposed administrative sanctions on 41 business actors who sell Oilita above the highest retail price (HET) of IDR 15,700 per liter.

Expert Staff for Management and Governance of the Ministry of Trade, Iqbal Shoffan Shofwan said that this administrative sanction was given to business actors both at the distributor and retailer levels.

Furthermore, he said this step was taken because there were still many retailers in areas selling Oilita above Rp. 15,700 per liter.

"The Directorate General of PKTN has imposed sanctions on 41 business actors, both at the retail level and distributors who have been proven to have committed violations," he said in a virtual coordination meeting for controlling inflation in 2025, quoted from the Ministry of Home Affairs' YouTube, Monday, January 13.

Regarding the practice of bundling, Iqbal said that the Directorate General of PKTN had sent a letter to the Association of Palm Oil Industry Business Actors including AIMMI, GIMNI and GAPKI.

In addition, continued Iqbal, the Ministry of Trade has also sent a letter to 40 cooking oil producers regarding the evaluation of the distribution chain and the appeal did not appeal to Oilita.

"The Ministry of Trade also clarifies business actors who are suspected of violating the provisions of the legislation, in this case, are business actors who we suspect sell the price of Oilita above the highest retail price, at the retail level and in distributors that we have set," he said.

On January 6, continued Iqbal, the Ministry of Trade has also held a coordination meeting and evaluation of the distribution of Oilita with cooking oil producers. One of them discussed the issue of guaranteeing the availability of Oilita.

The oil producers that contribute to the distribution of Oilita, namely Wilmar, Smart, Apical, Seasonas, and KPN.

"Well, we ask the big producers or groups that produce this Oilita, first of course to continue to ensure the certainty of our oil stocks. And secondly, to continue to do and monitor the distribution of distributors to retailers," he said.

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