JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) highlighted the phenomenon of falling grain prices that were not followed by a decrease in rice prices. In fact, rice prices exceed the highest retail price (HET) set by the government.

Acting Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs Tomsi Tohir said that the phenomenon of falling grain prices that were not followed by a decrease in rice prices needed to be a common concern.

"The price of unhulled rice has decreased, the price of rice has increased. This is what we need to pay close attention to together. If the price of unhulled rice in farmers goes down, of course the price of rice will also go down. But this is the opposite, the price of rice goes up," he said in a virtual coordination meeting for controlling inflation. 2025 quoted from the Ministry of Home Affairs YouTube, Monday, January 13.

Launching data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Tomsi said the current price of medium rice in the field is IDR 14,173 per kilogram (kg). The price has passed the HET set at IDR 13,033 per kg.

This is what we have to understand that we make the highest retail price as a benchmark. If these items are still above the highest retail price, we must try to be able to do these items not exceed the highest retail price. Now, this is what our hard work is needed together," he explained.

Tomsi also asked Perum Bulog to focus on absorbing grain in areas whose prices fell. For example, he said, in Simalungun Regency the price of unhulled rice fell by 13.3 percent.

"Well, these areas whose unhulled rice falls are Bulog who are there trying to increase their prices so that farmers don't lose much. Well, please do this. So where the price of unhulled rice falls, Bulog is here to represent our government to stabilize prices," he said.

Meanwhile, continued Tomsi, for areas where the price of rice is high, Bulog must stabilize it by pouring rice on the Stabilization of Supply and Food Prices (SPHP).

Tomsi also highlighted the price of medium rice in North Jakarta which is different from other regions. In this area, the price reaches Rp. 15,732 per kg. Then, in Anambas Regency it reaches Rp. 18,500 per kg.

"Well, in these areas with high prices, we ask Bulog to focus on pushing the SPHP bigger so that the price goes down," he said.

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