JAKARTA - Perum Bulog revealed that the distribution of rice Stability for Supply and Food Prices (SPHP) has only reached 9,367 tons or the equivalent of 6.24 percent of the January 2025 ceiling of 150,000 tons.

For your information, Perum Bulog received an assignment to distribute SPHP for January and February 2025. Where each distribution per month is 150,000 tons.

Head of the Institutional Relations Division of Perum Bulog Epi Sulandari said that based on the realization of the distribution of the SPHP ceiling in January of 9,397 tons, the most were channeled to the DKI Jakarta and Banten areas, reaching 2.78 percent.

Epi said that the distribution of SPHP rice was carried out through retailers, Bulog Task Force, local governments (Pemda), low-cost market movements programs, and SOE synergies through their assisted outlets.

"As of January 11, only 6.24 percent of the January (150,000 tons) ceiling has been distributed as of January 11," Epi said in a virtual coordination meeting for controlling inflation in 2025 quoted from the Ministry of Home Affairs' YouTube, Monday, January 13.

Although the distribution of SPHP has only reached 6.24 percent, Epi said that if you look at the trend in demand for SPHP rice, it will increase. Therefore, Bulog will channel it to markets to maintain price stabilization.

"If we look at the trend every day, the demand for SPHP will increase so that we can provide supplies to the market to be able to help reduce or maintain price stability based on retail levels," he said.

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