JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works (PU) Dody Hanggodo said that he would continue the rehabilitation of the Serayu Irrigation Area (DI) in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, in 2027.

Dody assessed that the continuation of rehabilitation was necessary considering the increase in the planting index (IP) from 211 percent to 240 percent which was claimed thanks to rehabilitation from 2017 to 2021. Furthermore, rehabilitation will be carried out again in 2027 which is expected to increase IP by up to 300 percent.

"We are trying to find the best way to find out how the rice fields behind the hill can also be watered, can use pumps or other methods. I hope that whatever solution we present for farmers and then it will not become a burden for them," said Dody in a statement written on Monday, January 13.

Meanwhile, DI Serayu irrigates an area of 20,795 hectares in 3 districts, namely Banyumas, Cilacap and Kebumen. The total length of the primary channel reaches 102,601 kilometers, while the secondary channel is 131,033 kilometers long.

It is known, rehabilitation in 2017-2021 succeeded in increasing rice productivity from 277,103 tons to 314,445 tons or around 6.3 tons per hectare.

Meanwhile, the next rehabilitation work that is planned to be carried out in 2025 is the rehabilitation of the Kesugihan secondary channel.

Then, in 2027 it will include Talang work on the Cilacap primary channel, Serayu main channel, Cilacap primary channel, Doplang primary channel and Sumpiuh primary channel.

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