JAKARTA - Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said he would impose sanctions on Apple.
The technology giant from the United States (US) is said to have failed to comply with the commitment of the third investment scheme or the innovation scheme for research development and development (academy) as agreed with the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
"We are looking for sanctions that can also be useful for us. The government can ask for additional investment in scheme 3, which is that our counter proposal figures have paid attention to so much," Agus said at a press conference at his office, Wednesday, January 8.
According to Agus, Apple's third investment scheme from 2017 is not in accordance with the mandate determined by the government in the Minister of Industry Regulation (Permenperin) Number 29 of 2017.
The innovation scheme of every mobile, computer and tablet (HKT) manufacturer in Indonesia is an activity that should include education, training, research and development in the field of information technology.
"We have the basis for imposing sanctions, namely non-compliance with Apple in order to implement the commitment in scheme 3 that is not in accordance with what has been determined in Permenperin 29/2017," he said.
Agus explained, since 2017, Apple has only carried out educational and training activities without any research and development carried out by the Apple Academy.
"So, what Apple has done from 2017 to 2024 is only doing educational and training activities. Apple academies are only education and training. In my view, our office can also do training like that," said Agus.
Even so, Agus did not mention in detail when the sanctions would be given to Apple.
"For us, the substance is more important. For us, if it can be good quickly. But if it's fast, we can't get the substance, it's useless. And the substance is the target we want," he concluded.
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