JAKARTA - Modern development at the city, province, and state levels requires large investments to support various needs, including infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and public facilities, as well as public services such as education and health. A large budget is often a challenge for the government in realizing sustainable development.
In Cilegon City, the payment obligation (budget deficit) borne by the City Government (Pemkot) is not Rp. 139 billion as previously reported, but around Rp. 100 billion.
This budget is allocated for important infrastructure development, such as roads, RSUD buildings, the Indonesian Ulema Council Office (MUI), the Social Service Office (Dinsos), village offices, as well as school buildings such as SMPN 14 and SMPN 15. This development is expected to have a positive impact on community services while increasing regional competitiveness.
Cilegon City's Regional Original Revenue (PAD) fluctuates for five years from 2016 to 2020 an average of IDR 630.05 billion per year. And after Helldy Agustian served as Mayor of Cilegon in 2021 to 2024, the average PAD was IDR 718.20 billion per year, or an increase of IDR 88.149 billion per year.
According to Maman Mauludin, the Regional Secretary of the Cilegon City Government, the city government already has a formula and technical method to complete payment obligations.
"We are obliged to settle obligations to third parties. This shows that the Cilegon City Government is full of responsibility to solve problems and already has a format, formula and technical method to solve the problem," he explained.
The Regional Secretary explained that the Cilegon City Government had tried to carry out efficiency by prioritizing important matters. However, until the end of December 2024, there were still obstacles faced, especially from unexpected tax revenues.
"There is an obligation of around Rp. 100 billion which must be completed by 2025. God willing, friends at the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) can complete this and fulfill their obligations to third parties," he said.
He continued, in 2024 the Cilegon City Government's revenue reached more than 80 percent with expenditures reaching 82.60 percent. His party has also made efficiency, where spending is focused on priorities which are mandatory activities such as concern for the construction of hospitals.
The Regional Secretary said that this incident was an important lesson to prevent the same thing in the future. As an anticipatory measure, the evaluation of the implementation of the 2024 APBD will be a reference strategy for 2025.
"I am optimistic that the 2025 target will be achieved and better than 2024. I am sure my friends will be more realistic in budgeting," he said.
According to the Regional Secretary, the deficit is not something to be afraid of, but it must be understood as a development tool. Moreover, the bill was only delayed and will be paid in February 2025.
Cilegon is on the path of accelerating development which requires courage to take strategic steps. Limitation of funds is not an obstacle, but a form of challenge that must be faced and a way out for progress that rests on the needs of residents.
With transparent, accountable, and strategic management, this deficit can be a stepping stone to sustainable development that provides long-term benefits for the community. The government ensures that every rupiah issued is actually used for productive and positive projects, so that the welfare of citizens continues to improve in the future.
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