Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that state revenues throughout 2024 fluctuate.

Sri Mulyani explained, in the first semester there was tremendous pressure and contraction.

Even so, he continued, in the second semester he had begun to recover and recorded growth that was not high, but was quite significant given the difficult economic situation.

"Semester 1 is under tremendous pressure and contractions in the second semester have begun to recover and by the end of the year it is even still growing even though it is not high but quite decent for a situation that is not easy," he said at the opening of Indonesia's first trading Stock Exchange in 2025, Thursday, January 2.

Sri Mulyani said that state revenues throughout 2024 grew compared to the previous year, although the 2024 target was not achieved because the target was made quite high.

"The growth from last year even though the target was not achieved because the 2024 target was made quite high," he said

Sri Mulyani explained that state spending through the 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) also experienced significant changes, with many expenditures such as for elections, regional elections, accelerated IKN development, and additional social assistance to deal with the impact of El Nino, including spending on food security such as fertilizers and water pumps.

"So that spending or the state budget also mitigates the impact and pressure in the community," he said.

Thus, said Sri Mulyani, the APBN also mitigates the impact and pressure in the community so that spending on ministries and institutions grows high, even reaching double digits, with overall growth exceeding 6 percent.

To note, based on data from the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), the realization of state revenues until November 2024 has reached Rp1,688.93 trillion or the equivalent of 84.92 percent of the set target.

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