JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) revealed that the increase in the price of people's cooking oil or MinyaKita which penetrated the price of Rp. 17,000 per liter was due to the distribution chain being too long, so that prices that reached higher consumers.
Director General of Consumer Protection and Trade Order of the Ministry of Trade, Rusmin Amin, said that with a long distribution, it is possible that there will be transactions between retailers, so that the selling price in the community will be higher.
"So if we look at too many hand movements. So the price increase in terms of consumers is not Rp. 15,700 as the highest retail price (HET)," said Rusmin in Bandung, quoted from Antara, Friday, December 13.
Rusmin mengidentifikasi bahwa harga di tingkat distributor utama (D1 dan D2) masih sesuai HET. Namun, harga naik signifikan saat melewati pencer dan wholesale.
According to him, many retailers resell oil to other retailers or wholesale before it reaches the final consumer.
"So the price of value in consumers must have gone up not according to the HET. This is a distribution model that we studied," he said.
In addition to distribution issues, the Ministry of Trade noted a surge in demand for Minya Kita as one of the causes of price increases. Many consumers switch from other types of oil to Minya Kita, especially ahead of Christmas and New Year celebrations.
"For Minya Kita, the trend is that the demand is greater than other oils. This means that there is indeed a kind of migration, so surely the price will definitely increase. So it's market law," he said.
Even so, Rusmin ensured that the stock of Minya Kita did not experience a shortage, nor did premium packaged cooking oil and bulk oil that could be obtained easily in the market.
"If we look at the production side or from the stock side nationally, there is actually no problem and we also see that in the market, our own Minya Kita is all safe, only the problem is in terms of price," he said.
Furthermore, he said the Ministry of Trade is committed to continuing to evaluate distribution and price policies and supervision will also be tightened to ensure consumers can buy Minya Kita in accordance with the HET set by the government.
"Actually, we ourselves have carried out socialization in order to ahead of this Christmas and New Year celebration. We have several activities at the Ministry of Trade, including how to maintain stocks or also maintain prices in this market," said Rusmin.
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