Bank Mandiri has again proven its commitment to encouraging financial inclusion and increasing public investment interest. In line with the role of national development agent, Bank Mandiri won the Best Distribution Partner award for Sales of State Sharia Securities (SBSN) 2024 from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.
Bank Mandiri SVP Wealth Management Sista Pravesthi explained that this award is clear evidence of Bank Mandiri's consistency in expanding investment access for the community, as well as supporting development funding through the sale of SBSN.
"This success not only shows Bank Mandiri's positive performance, but also its active role in advancing the national economy and contributing to encouraging public interest in investing," said Sista in her official statement, Wednesday, December 11.
The award was achieved thanks to Bank Mandiri's significant contribution in achieving the nominal number of SBSN orders and successfully attracting new investors throughout 2024. During the 2024 period, the bank with the gold ribbon logo managed to record retail Government Securities (SBN) sales of more than IDR 23 trillion, where sales in SBSN products alone reached more than IDR 13 trillion.
This value is the largest value in the history of SBSN offering at Bank Mandiri and is equivalent to 20 percent of the total national sales of SBSN from the Ministry of Finance throughout 2024. In addition, the SBSN order throughout 2024 was achieved through nearly 60 thousand investors, and 25 percent of them are new investors.
Sista explained that the increase in investors was achieved thanks to the innovation and ease of the registration process to the purchase of SBN products through the Investment feature embedded in the Livin' by Mandiri super app.
"This success is the fruit of Bank Mandiri's consistency in developing the best solution that makes it easier for customers or investors to transact digital investment products through Livin' Investment," he said.
Sebagai informasi tambahan, penjualan SBN Retail di Bank Mandiri terus mencatat tren pertumbuhan sepanjang 2024. Bila dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya, nilai Asset Under Management (AUM) dari produk SBN melonjak lebih dari 20 persen, yang juga menjadi kontributor terbesar dalam portofolio AUM Bank Mandiri yang mencapai lebih dari 70 persen.
This figure, continued Sista, emphasized the dominance of SBN as the main investment option that is in demand by the community.
"SBN products are the prima donna because apart from providing attractive and investment security results, investors also have the opportunity to play a role in supporting national economic developments," he said.
In the future, Bank Mandiri is committed to presenting more investment innovations through superior features in the Livin' by Mandiri application.
"We want this feature to be a comprehensive solution for all types of investors, especially customers who prioritize convenience and security. With the addition and diversification of investment products, we hope to meet the needs of the community to invest," concluded Sista.
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