JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) is committed to supporting the program of three million houses made by President Prabowo Subianto.
Menteri ATR/BPN Nusron Wahid mengatakan, saat ini terdapat lahan seluas 79,000 hektare (ha) di Indonesia yang siap digunakan untuk pembangunan program 3 juta rumah.
"There are around 79,000 hectares of abandoned land which are indicated to be allocated for settlements that are national programs," said Nusron in a written statement, Friday, December 6.
Nusron said that the total number of abandoned land in Indonesia was 1,347,099 ha, which was calculated from 2010-2024.
"The potential for abandoned land is 1.3 million hectares. This is from the land of Hak Guna Usaha (HGU), Building Use Rights (HGB), the Management Rights (HPL) are exhausted, which has been indicated to be abandoned covering an area of 854,662 hectares and this must be used as widely as possible for the prosperity of the people," he said.
He appealed to property business actors to check RTRW and RDTR in each region to avoid mismatch in the use of space. Nusron stated that not all regions have RTR, with only 553 RDTR from the 2,000 target.
According to Nusron, there has been an agreement with the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian so that regional heads are elected to prepare RDTR to facilitate the business world.
Aspects of control in the use of land and space are also very much needed. It is known that the conversion of rice fields reaches 100,000 to 150,000 ha every year. This is not in line with President Prabowo Subianto's directives regarding food self-sufficiency.
"Therefore, in this regulation, you can take rice fields, but you have to replace them with new rice fields. We will also draw up a Government Regulation (PP) regarding national LP2B, this is to accommodate if there is no land availability in a province, it can be proposed in other provinces to replace the land. God willing, in the first quarter of 2025 the target has become PP," he said.
No less important, Nusron also stated that he continues to strive for the transformation of land services, including in sertipation services, dependent rights and roya. He is committed to finding solutions so that the service of the Ministry of ATR/BPN does not contain elements of illegal levies.
"Because we have to transform it, but I need time to tidy up these services," he concluded.
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