JAKARTA - PT PP (Persero) Tbk, also supports the preparation of the year-end holidays to commemorate Christmas and New Year's Day 2024/2025.

Ahead of Christmas and New Year (Nataru) 2024/2025, PTPP seeks the availability of toll road users as well as other supporting facilities for travelers, including the completion of the 3rd Toll Cikopo - Palimanan Toll Road Cikopo - Subang, as well as improvement of service facilities at Rest Areas, Malls, and Hotels through PTPP subsidiaries, namely PT PP Sinergi Banjaratma (PPSB) and PT Indonesia Ferry Properti (PT IFPRO).

The Cikopo - Palimanan Toll Road 3rd Widening Project for the Cikopo Subang section has a contract value of Rp314.39 billion with package work covering the widening of the 3rd lane at KM 87+350 to KM 98 +275 on Line A & B, construction of existing rigids of 470 panels, and overlay of existing routes on lane A with a length of 10,925 KM.

In accordance with the initial contract, the project construction period is 210 days with a target of 31 December 2024, but in order to support the preparation of Christmas and New Year 2024/2025 completions, efforts will be made to be completed 2 weeks faster, namely on 17 December 2024. Until now, the realization of project progress has reached 84.33 percent faster than 0.40 percent of the target.

Preparations for the 2024/2025 Nataru Day facilities and services will also continue to be improved at the Rest Area Heritage KM 260B Banjaratma under the auspices of PT PP Sinergi Banjaratma, which is one of PTPP's subsidiaries.

This rest area is located on the Pemalang-Pejagan toll road towards Jakarta or located at KM 260B Banjaratma, Brebes Regency, Central Java. This rest area has a land area of 10.6 Ha, can accommodate 2,700 vehicles, and has 188 MSME tenants and 20 non-MSMEs consisting of nusantara culinary, souvenirs, handicrafts, pottery, paintings, and batik clothes. The facilities and services improved by the management are the rest posts, the addition of CCTV, security and cleaning personnel, as well as optimization of the lactation room, places of worship, children's play areas, and the addition of toilet numbers.

Furthermore, PTPP affiliated companies, namely PT IFPRO which is engaged in Malls and Hotels such as Hotel Meurah and Plaza Marina Labuan Bajo, Anjungan Agung Mall in Bakauheni, and Sosoro Mall in Merak. Have special service programs in order to prepare for the commemoration of Christmas and New Year 2024/2025, among others, namely checking and monitoring in detail and intensively for improving excellent Mall services and facilities, as well as providing entertainment throughout Christmas and New Year holidays such as live music performance, culinary festivals and podcasts.

In addition, for Malls that are integrated with ports such as Anjungan Agung Mall at Bakauheni and Sosoro Mall at Merak, management also provides wellness experience, sports experience (Boxing Machine & Dart Game), as well as distributing snacks, welcome drink, and gimmick vouchers malls for ship service users who will travel.

President Director of PTPP, Novel Arsyad said that all PTPP management participated in preparing for the celebration of Christmas and New Year's Day 2024/2025. In addition to accelerating the completion of the addition of lanes on the Cikopo - Palimanan Toll Road for the Cikopo Subang section, through subsidiaries engaged in the rest area in Banjaratma, and PTPP affiliate companies engaged in Hotels and Malls which are integrated with ports in Merak and Bakauheni, the Company is synergizing to be able to make preparations for the celebration of Christmas and New Year's 2024/2025.

In order to support government programs in the success of religious holidays and year-end holidays, PTPP continues to ensure infrastructure, as well as facilities and services to be enjoyed by all Indonesian people.

"We will prioritize the quality of completing toll road projects, in addition to facilities and services at several rest areas, malls, and hotels under the auspices of PTPP's subsidiaries, including special programs or events held during the Christmas and New Year holidays, of course, this effort is made so that people can enjoy the journey safely and comfortably," concluded Novel.

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