JAKARTA - Minister of Housing and Settlement Areas (PKP) Maruarar Sirait revealed that the policy of renting flats (rusun) is cheap for the people according to President Prabowo Subianto's direction.
Maruarar Sirait, usually called Ara, supports and gives appreciation to the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta and his staff who are able to lower the rental rate for the Pasar Rumput flats to make it cheaper than before.
"I think this (disbursement of flat rental rates) is a pro-people policy in accordance with the direction of President Mr. Prabowo Subianto that policies must prioritize small people. And the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta and his staff have carried out this very well," he said in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday 4 November.
The reduction in the rental rate for the Pasar Rumput Flats from the previous Rp3.5 million per unit to Rp1.1 million to Rp2.2 million is expected to be able to attract people to live in vertical housing in the Manggarai area.
He also hopes that increasing the interest of the community in inhabiting the Grass Market Flats in DKI Jakarta can be an example for other regions, especially with the location of flats that are very strategic and located in the middle of the city and close to modes of transportation and markets.
"Hopefully this can be a good example. The previous rental rate was Rp. 3.5 million but the ease with which the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta was finally reduced to Rp. 1.1 million and the most expensive was Rp. 2.25 million," said Ara.
Based on information compiled and leaflets from Perumda Pasar Jaya in the field, residential units in Pasar Rumput Flats consist of two types, namely hook type and standard type.
A number of facilities are also available, namely Traditional Markets, Health Clinics, Residents' Centers, Citizens' Parks, PAUD, ATM Centers, Mini Markets and Bank Cash Offices as well as places of worship. Information and marketing services can be accessed via barcodes and Whatsapp to Number HP 0812-8888-7807.
Ara also reminded the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta and the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD to continue to oversee the occupancy process until it is complete.
"We remind our friends from the Provincial Government and the DKI Jakarta DPRD to work not half-heartedly and oversee the occupancy process until it is finished and make the Pasar Rumput Flats a model," he said.
Ara also targets residents of the Pasar Rumput Flats to work and do business in the area, starting from ASN, TNI Polri, teachers, workers and millennials who work in the city, so as to reduce traffic congestion.
"Another goal is to build a good ecosystem and I also ask that this can be heterogeneous and create a mini Indonesia ecosystem here with various backgrounds and productive cooperation," said Ara.
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