JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir admitted that he was confident that the target of state-owned company dividend payments to the state of IDR 90 trillion would be achieved in the remaining two months of this year.

For information, the government and the Indonesian House of Representatives have set a target for state-owned company dividend payments in 2025 based on the performance of the 2024 financial year to reach IDR 90 trillion. This figure is up from the previous IDR 85 trillion.

"Yesterday, the dividend was set at IDR 90 trillion. If we look at the book, this is only 2 to 3 months away, God willing, it will be achieved," said Erick in a press conference at the Ministry of BUMN, Jakarta, Friday, November 1.

Erick said that the Ministry of BUMN is currently consolidating all state-owned companies to tidy up the BUMN work program.

Furthermore, Erick revealed that he would hold a meeting with BUMN leaders to communicate the targets to be achieved under the administration of President Prabowo Subianto.

"We will meet with the directors in the next few weeks to ensure that it is in accordance with the program requested by President Prabowo Subianto," he explained.

In addition, Erick continued, the Ministry of SOEs is also coordinating with cross-ministerial to tidy up policies so that programs run by SOEs can have an optimal impact on the national economy.

Erick revealed several priority programs currently being run by SOEs, including financing by Bank Himbara and PMN Mekaar which serve 21.2 million customers. Then, there is the national strategic project (PSN) of the Sanur special economic zone (KEK) which will be inaugurated in March 2025, as well as the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) project.

According to Erick, his party will also coordinate with the Indonesian House of Representatives as a working partner of BUMN and also the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto in preparing a roadmap (blueprint) for BUMN in the next five years to consolidate work programs and policies related to BUMN.

That way, continued Erick, it is hoped that BUMN can perform better and provide deposits to the state treasury according to the government's targets.

"We will have an RDP (hearing meeting with the Indonesian House of Representatives) to see the blueprint going forward, and also most importantly help state revenues from taxes and dividends," he said.

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