JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Trade (Wamendag) Dyah Roro Esti said President Prabowo is committed to reducing carbon emissions so that it will encourage carbon trading in Indonesia. However, he will have further discussions with the Minister of Trade regarding this matter.

"God willing, I also want to communicate with the Minister regarding carbon trading, this is also interesting because we have a commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 32 percent in 2030, we have Nationally Determined Contributions in Indonesia. Who knows this is something that we should synergize in the future," he said after the Handover of Positions (Sertijab) which took place at the Ministry of Trade, Tuesday, October 22.

To note, Indonesia's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) is a document containing commitments and actions made by Indonesia to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

However, Roro said that he would first coordinate with the Minister of Trade so that it would be clearer what breakthroughs he wanted to make in the future.

Meanwhile, Roro conveyed that the priority commodities were not only carbon trading by his party, so he would communicate first to get further clarity on what commodities were prioritized by the government.

"Overall, the President said yesterday that the most important thing is the absence of sectoral egos," he said.

According to Roro, the performance of the Ministry of Trade cannot be separated from collaboration with other Ministries/Institutions such as KLHK, ESDM, and Agriculture, especially in the context of carbon trafficking and food-related issues. Hopefully in the future there will be breakthroughs in the collaboration.

Roro said President Prabowo always emphasized the importance of economic growth by 8 percent, which is supported by a demographic bonus which now involves 68 percent to 70 percent of Indonesia's population who are at a productive age.

Roro explained that this is expected to be the foundation for every domestic economic activity, especially related to trade, both domestically and internationally. And ready to continue work that may still be delayed, of course with the direction of the Minister of Trade.

"My many tasks will be carried out for international partnerships which hopefully I am ready to continue, maybe there are things that are pending yesterday, even if there is, I am ready to continue, of course, the direction from the Minister, hopefully, everything will run smoothly," he said.

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