JAKARTA - The Revolving Fund Management Agency for Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (LPDB-KUMKM) reports that the total distribution of LPDB-KUMKM revolving funds has reached Rp1,465 trillion as of September 2024.

The LPDB-KUMKM is given a target to distribute revolving funds of IDR 1,850 trillion so far this year.

"Especially for 2024 to September, what we have distributed is IDR 1,465 trillion," said LPDB-KUMKM President Director Supomo in a press conference at the Kemenkop UKM office, Jakarta, Thursday, October 17.

Supomo assessed that the distribution of revolving funds was already on the track with a total achievement of around 78 percent. He is also optimistic that the distribution of these revolving funds can reach the target by the end of the year.

"So, God willing, by the end of the year we will achieve (the target) because internally the LPDB has a contract every beginning or end of the year with the Ministry of Finance," he said.

Meanwhile, from 2008 to October 2024, the total distribution of LPDB-KUMKM revolving funds has reached Rp19.11 trillion. "Then the actual achievement, LPDB has been distributed to date, which has reached Rp19.11 trillion," said Supomo.

"So, what should we do? Yes, we are concentrating on the IKU contract, in which IKU contract there are 11 main performance indicators," he said.

For your information, LPDB-KUMKM revolving funds are divided into two patterns, namely conventional and sharia patterns. As of October 2023, the distribution of conventional patterns has reached Rp762 billion and sharia is Rp479 billion, with a total of 160 cooperative partners.

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