JAKARTA - President Director of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (BBTN), Nixon LP Napitupulu said, his party has eradicated illegal levies or extortion that are often carried out during the credit application process by customers.

Nixon said that to eradicate extortion, the company had dismissed more than 300 people who violated the integrity provisions as SOE personnel.

He admitted that the action also succeeded in stopping extortion by unscrupulous people in the credit application process by customers.

"Honestly, we have laid off more than 300 people in the last 5 years due to integrity issues. And it's never crowded, we put it home, because there are conflict of interest issues, most of them, especially in credit, there are still those who beg for all kinds of things," said Nixon at the peak event of the 2024 BUMN Learning Festival (BLF) at the BTN Tower, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 15.

In addition, Nixon guaranteed, he was free from extortion by the procurement process.

In fact, he continued, BTN personnel are now worried about the action.

"In fact, they are now very worried that it will happen, it is one of the extraordinary changes. But as usual, Indonesians from the left to the right bandul. From being brave, now we are too worried. Now we are also making normal ones," said Nixon.

Therefore, said Nixon, integrity greatly determines the quality of SOE personnel as a whole, which is always sought to increase. One form is the implementation of BLF.

This BLF aims to encourage the quality of SOE personnel to continue to develop sustainably.

"The important thing is that we have the spirit of maintaining the integrity of the mandate well. That's one tough challenge before," said Nixon.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Human Resources Management (HR), Technology, and Information of the Ministry of SOEs, Tedi Bharata, said that the performance of BUMN human resources recorded satisfactory results since the Ministry of SOEs made the main values of SOE personnel into AKHLAK, namely Amanah, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, and Collaborative in 2021.

Tedi said, from the Government Agencies Performance Report (LKIP) of the Ministry of SOEs throughout 2023, SOEs' productivity recorded a realization of IDR 7.61 billion per person, which is above the 2023 target of IDR 6.96 billion per person.

"With this activity, we realize one of the core values of AKHLAK, namely competence through the development of a sustainable learning culture. So that all SOE people are more prepared to face challenges in the future," said Tedi.

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