JAKARTA - The Indonesian Planning School Association (ASPI) proposes the concept of twin cities or twin cities to be a solution to the plan to move the capital city from Jakarta to the capital city of the archipelago (IKN).

ASPI chairman Adiwan Fahlan Ari calmly explained that the concept of twin cities means that there are two main cities that carry out government administrative functions, one of which is the capital city of de jure and others de facto.

The capital city of de jure means that it is officially recognized by law or constitution as the center of a country's government.

While de facto, the capital's recognition is based more on the operational reality of the ongoing government function.

In the context of the Presidential Decree (Keppres) IKN has not been signed but the state has sufficient budget, so Jakarta can play the role of the capital de jure and IKN de facto.

This means that, by law, Jakarta remains the capital city, but operational functions are carried out at IKN.

IKN can adopt certain non-governmental main functions, such as educational and research centers, coupled with the gradual transfer of some of the government's public functions from relevant ministries/agencies (K/L).

For example, the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN); Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek); Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK); National Library; National Archives; and so on.

Meanwhile, if the Presidential Decree is signed but the budget is not sufficient, then IKN will become the capital city of de jure and Jakarta de facto.

In this case, IKN is positioned as the central city of 'partial' national government that accommodates some ministries supporting the core function of government, such as the Ministry of State Secretary (Kemensetneg), Cabinet Secretariat, Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan), and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu).

Adapun bila yang terjadi adalah kondisi tidak ideal, di mana Keppres tidak ditandatangani dan anggaran tidak memadai, maka negara bisa melakukan langkah mitigasi dengan tetap mendorong penerapan rencana IKN, namun sebagai strategi jangka panjang hingga 2045.

Along with that, the government can review and deepen aspects of IKN planning, such as infrastructure development, population, and costs.

"So, we suggest that we focus on potential national capitals that focus on liveable and loving cities that are suitable to live in while making progress until 2045," Adiwan said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, October 11.

The Presidential Special Envoy for International Cooperation in the Capital Development of the Archipelago Bambang Susantono stated that the proposal would be forwarded to the president, both the incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the elected President Prabowo Subianto.

In response to the proposal, he said that IKN would later be encouraged to become a new city.

Whatever the form, it will become a city. Because there are already those who have been built, the facilities already exist. Now is the time to build more people, so that these people can become residents who are loveable cities," he said.

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