JAKARTA - In order to reduce stunting rates in West Manggarai, 1000 Days Funds together with the Life After Mine Foundation (LINE) and the West Manggarai Health Office launched an important initiative in the form of training in the management of cases of Low Birth Weight Assistance for Pregnant Women (BBLR) and Children at Risk of Stunting. This training was designed as part of a collective effort to strengthen stunting prevention strategies in the region, which is the government's top priority and various health organizations.

In the training which took place on September 24, 2024, as many as 20 midwives from various sub-districts in West Manggarai participated in a special session to deepen their knowledge and skills in handling cases of pregnant women who were at risk of giving birth to babies with low weight, as well as studying effective interventions that could be applied to prevent stunting from an early age. These midwives will then train Posyandu cadres in their respective areas, ensuring that every pregnant woman who is at risk of getting adequate attention and assistance.

Stunting, caused by malnutrition and inadequate health conditions, has an impact on the physical and cognitive development of children. In West Manggarai, stunting prevalence rates are still relatively high. Based on the latest data, BBLR is one of the main factors that contribute to stunting in children. Therefore, interventions that started during pregnancy are very important in an effort to reduce stunting rates.

Director of 1000 Days Fund, dr. Rindang Asmara, conveyed the importance of this collaboration in breaking the stunting cycle.

"Since 2019, we have launched various programs for stunting prevention in West Manggarai. This time, we come with a new approach through intensive assistance to pregnant women at risk of BBLR and stunting children. We hope this training can strengthen the capacity of midwives and Posyandu cadres in providing more precise and quality assistance," explained dr. Rindang, in his statement, Friday, October 4.

This program is the first step of a long-term initiative that will last for a full year, with a direct impact target of more than 3,000 pregnant women, toddlers, and families in West Manggarai. Through this intensive assistance, the trained midwives are expected to be able to work continuously with health cadres in their respective communities, ensuring that stunting prevention is carried out thoroughly and integrated.

Chairman of the Life After Mine Foundation (LINE), Adri Martowardojo, emphasized the importance of the role of various parties in efforts to prevent stunting.

"Stunting is a multidimensional problem that requires cross-sectoral commitment. Collaboration between the government, society and the private sector, as we are currently doing, is very important. With the interventions we carry out in Boleng District and Sano Nggoang District, we hope to make a significant contribution to the reduction in stunting rates in West Manggarai," said Adri.

Head of the West Manggarai Health Service, Adrianus Ojo, gave high appreciation for this initiative.

"The prevention of stunting is not only the duty of the government, but requires active participation from various sectors. Collaboration with the 1000 Days Fund and the LINE Foundation is a real example of how various parties can work together for the same purpose. We hope that midwives and health cadres who have received training can apply this knowledge in the field, especially in direct assistance to pregnant women who are at risk," said Adrianus.

This training is expected to be a model that can be applied in various other regions in Indonesia. This initiative is also in line with the national vision to create a healthy future generation free from stunting, as well as ensure that stunting reduction efforts run in a measured and sustainable manner.

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