The Financial Services Authority (OJK) ensures that its employees are not involved in gratification cases in the initial public offering (IPO) process within the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).

Chairman of the OJK Audit Board Sophia Wattimena said that her party had carried out a series of appropriate examination procedures for employees and officials within the OJK. In the process, the OJK audit team also cooperated with various parties to maximize the inspection process.

"Based on the inspection procedures carried out, so far the OJK's internal involvement has not been found in the IDX employee gratification scheme," Sophia said during a press conference at the OJK Board of Commissioners' Meeting (RDK) in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, September 2.

However, Sophia said that if there was evidence or information supporting the involvement of the OJK internal party, it should be immediately conveyed directly to her.

He also reiterated that the OJK prohibits all its employees from engaging in bribery practices, including receiving gratuities while carrying out their duties and functions.

Previously, launching a letter circulating among journalists in Jakarta, Monday (26/08), IDX management from July to August 2024 finally terminated employment (PHK) for their five employees, in the aftermath of the discovery of violations by unscrupulous employees related to requests for rewards and gratuities for issuers' receipt services to be registered with their shares in BEl.

The five employees at the BEl Company Assessment Division, which is the division responsible for accepting issuers, have asked for a sum of money and gratuities for the services of analyzing the feasibility of prospective issuers to be listed on their shares on the IDX.

On the reward of the money received, the employee helped decide on the process of accepting prospective issuers to be listed and traded their shares on the stock exchange, as written in the letter.

Responding to this, the Director of Development of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) Jeffrey Hendrik revealed that the alleged gratification in the Initial Public Offering (IPO) process did not interfere with the running process or the IPO target that had been set in the IPO pipeline (antrian).

"I don't think there is a decrease in the target, all processes are still running properly," said Jeffrey during a doorstop session at the IDX Building, Jakarta, Monday.

Jeffrey added, until the end of 2024 based on the IDX pipeline, there are still around 25 to 30 issuers who will conduct IPOs and will be processed according to existing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

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