JAKARTA - The DPR's Budget Agency (Banggar) reminded the public to be observant in choosing financial services so as not to harm the community. This was conveyed by Deputy Chairman of Banggar Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal in "Socialization of Financial Services Counseling Related to Beware of Illegal Online Loans and Fraudulent Investments".
"Don't let it be because people's economic conditions are pressed wrong in accessing illegal financial services," said Cucun, Saturday, September 28.
Cucun said this counseling activity was the government's step in educating the public to be more careful in choosing financial services. According to him, socialization must be carried out evenly.
"This OJK fulfillment and socialization must be carried out evenly to be aware of illegal online loans and fraudulent investments whose origin is not clear," said the chairman of the PKB faction in the DPR.
The member of Commission III of the DPR also mentioned the lack of literacy and public knowledge which led to the rise of cases of illegal online loans and fraudulent investments. Economic conditions also affect so that people are interested in using illegal loans.
"Today we see the number of victims from illegal loans and fake investments with lucrative offers, this indicates the low financial literacy of our society, especially the people in the village," explained Cucun.
Meanwhile, Senior Deputy Director of Behavioral Supervision, Education and Consumer Protection of OJK, Teguh Dinurahayu, said that financial services are very attached to the community. This is due to technological advances.
"The advancement of digital technology now allows service providers or financial service products to provide their services and products more quickly, flexibly and efficiently," said Teguh.
Teguh considered that the public's misunderstanding of various financial services would lead to the selection of wrong or illegal financial service products. This is considered to be detrimental to consumers.
"Another risk arises, namely the lack of knowledge can lead us to wrong product selection decisions, not as needed, instead harm consumers," concluded Teguh.
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