JAKARTA - The President Director of Perum Bulog, Wahyu Suparyono, said that his party would absorb rice from local farmers.

He said his party planned to absorb 600,000 tons.

"We are and will procure 600,000 tons of domestic procurement, hopefully we can get prayers for support for all of Indonesia at a price that suits our needs, including PSO Rice and commercial," he said in an official statement, Thursday, September 26.

Wahyu said the price of the rice sales benchmark (HPP) in Bulog's warehouse was Rp. 11,000 per kilogram (kg) for PSO rice. Regarding commercial rice, Wahyu asked the National Food Agency (Bapanas) to issue a price flexibility policy.

"So hopefully, of course, we ask for directions from the Head of the National Food Agency to provide a form of flexibility but for a certain period," he said.

"So that we can invite Perpadi, HKTI and other KTNA and associations to jointly contribute to strengthening stocks at good prices, such as Mr. President, to convey both at the farmer level and milling," he continued.

Meanwhile, the Head of the National Food Agency, Arief Prasetyo Adi, said that through the assistance of rice food, he also supported the government's efforts to maintain the welfare of domestic farmers.

Arief said this was because Bulog was assigned to absorb rice from local farmers.

Since 2022, the realization of domestic rice absorption by Bulog has continued to increase.

The government has consistently maintained the welfare of domestic farmers. The National Food Agency together with Bulog assisted in the absorption of rice production from our farmers, which we then distributed to various intervention programs, including rice food assistance like today," explained Arief.

Arief said, the realization of the absorption of Bulog's domestic rice is increasing.

The graph in 2022 will reach 994,000 tons. Then 2023 managed up to 1 million tons.

"Well, this year until the third week of September, there are 908,000 tons, so we can be optimistic that by the end of 2024, Bulog's absorption can continue to increase," he said.

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