JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has completed the construction of the Krueng Peudada Bridge Duplication in Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province.

The Krueng Peudada Bridge duplication was built under the Multi Years Contract (MYC) scheme for 2022-2024 with funding sources from SBSN funds worth IDR 80 billion.

In terms of construction, the duplication structure of the Krueng Peudada Bridge has a main length of 248 meters (m) with a steel frame type consisting of 7 spans and a bridge width of 10 m.

The construction of the Krueng Peudada Bridge Duplication will increase the road capacity from the original two lanes to four lanes.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said the construction of bridge infrastructure, flyovers and underpasses would facilitate connectivity and traffic accessibility, in addition to providing alternatives for residents to increase economic productivity.

"With the construction of a duplication bridge, it is hoped that the traffic flow from Medan City to Banda Aceh or the North Sumatra-Aceh Cross route will not experience obstacles or congestion," Basuki said in his official statement, written Monday, September 23.

In addition to building the duplication of the Krueng Peudada Bridge in Bireuen Regency, the Ministry of PUPR through the Aceh National Road Implementation Center (BPJN) of the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Bina Marga has also completed the construction of the Krueng Tamiang Bridge Duplication in Aceh Tamiang Province. The bridge duplication was built parallel to the old bridge, 230 m long.

It was recorded that in 2024, the Ministry of PUPR through the Directorate General of Highways has completed 15 bridges spread across 10 provinces, namely the Duplicate of the Krueng Peudada Bridge and the Duplication of the Krueng Tamiang Bridge in Aceh Province, Gatot Subroto Bridge and Underpass in North Sumatra, Bantaian Flyover and FO Sekip Ujung in South Sumatra, the Sambas Bes Besar River Bridge and the Duplication of the Kapuas I Bridge in West Kalimantan as well as the Ambassador of the Balang Island Bridge Ship and the Duplication of the Short Balang Island Bridge in East Kalimantan.

Then, underpass Balaraja and Cibodas Flyover in Banten, Madukoro Flyover in Central Java, Jong Biru Bridge and Juanda Flyover in East Java and Elevated Maros in South Sulawesi and the GORR Bridge in Gorontalo.

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