JAKARTA - The Task Force for Supervision of Certain Goods Worn by the Imported Commerce Administration, led by Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan managed to secure an illegal imported carpet from Turkey worth IDR 10 billion in the Jatake Industrial Estate, Tangerang City, Banten.

The items confiscated were textiles and textile products in the form of carpets or illegal imports of 2,939 rolls or pcs.

Ada sajadah majid, ada yang tidak yang tidak sesuai dengan prosedur, yang nilai lebih sekitar Rp10 miliar, jumlahnya sebanyak 2,939 piece. Ini dari Turki, kata katanya saat konferensi pers, di Kota Tangerang, Banten, Senin, 22 September.

The man who is familiarly called Zulhas said that an investigation into illegal import activities had been carried out since September 10 at the company's warehouse that is operating in the Jatake Industrial Estate, Tangerang City, Banten.

Furthermore, Zulhas said that based on an investigation by the task force, it was found that textile and textile products in the form of carpets or packages were imported without fulfilling import approval documents (PI), surveyor reports (LS), and registration for registration of goods related to security, safety, health, and the environment (K3L).

"Ini impor tanpa melakukan prosedur sesuai ketentuan, tentu negara dirugikan dan pajaknya berkurang," ucapnya.

Zulhas also saw the items that the Task Force managed to secure at that location. The place where this task force visited apart from being a warehouse, is also a factory for making carpets.

"This has industry, I don't think it's a problem. He made a carpet here, right if the domestic industry is good, make it here. So it's no longer imported, right, it's good. Well, on the other hand, there are carpet imports that don't comply with the rules," he explained.

Zulhas said that later action would be taken against the thousands of illegal imported carpets that were secured. The action in question is destruction.

"Dismantled, the business actors destroyed (which was accompanied by the task force)," he said.

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