JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) targets the construction of the Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) Section 6B Toll Road and IKN 6C Toll Access toll Road to be completed by June 2025.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that currently the progress of the IKN Section 6B toll road construction and access to the IKN 6C toll road is good and neat.

Basuki also appealed to accelerate the implementation of toll road construction so that it could be used immediately.

This was conveyed after Basuki Hadimuljono conducted a review of the construction of the IKN Toll Road Section 6B Outer Ring Road-Sp. ITCHI, and Access to the IKN Section 6C Sp. ITCHI-Simpang 1B National Anneal on the East Side of the Government Core Area (KIPP), Sunday, September 15.

"It's good and neat. The target is finished in June 2025," he said in an official statement, Monday, September 16.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Task Force (Kasatgas) for the IKN Danis H Infrastructure Development. Sumadilaga appealed to the IKN Section 6B-6C Toll Road to also be reforestationed for land erosion control.

"On the IKN Toll Road Section 3A-3B, a successful method was carried out, namely taplok, there were plants and the medium for growth, plus fertilizer. For the type of plant itself, the better is the Fidelia flower, because apart from being visually better, the growth is tight and does not involve the surroundings," explained Kasatgas Danis.

Head of the IKN 1 Development Implementation Work Unit, East Kalimantan National Road Implementation Center (BBPJN) Andre Sirait explained, Section 6B Toll Road was built with a length of 5.7 km, while Section 6C Toll Access was 5.6 km long.

"Currently, the physical progress for Section 6B is 41 percent with the implementing contractor Brantas Abipraya-Bumi Karsa-CPA KSO. Meanwhile, the progress of Section 6C is 77.35 percent with the implementing contractor PP-Waskita-YPP KSO," explained Andre.

For Section 6B, continued Andre, the structural work has been completed. Currently, he said, it's just a cut and fill process.

"For Section 6C, the structural work is 58.32 percent, and the land is 38.77," said Andre.

For your information, the scope of work on the construction of the Section 6B Toll Road is equipped with 1 370 meter long bridge, 82 meter long overpass in 2 locations, slab on pile in 2 locations, and box culvert in 24 locations.

Meanwhile, on Section 6C Toll Road, new roads are opened in the KIPP area complete with slope strengthening, box culvert construction, box Multi Utility Tunnel (MUT), secant pile, DPT and Pelangkung Bridge.

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