JAKARTA - A total of 21 regional Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) rejected extraordinary national deliberations or congress to coup Arsjad Rasjid from the chair chair.

Rejections came from the Bengkulu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, DI Yogyakarta, DKI Jakarta, Gorontalo, Jambi, West Java, Central Java, East Java, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Maluku, North Maluku, NTT, Papua, West Papua, Riau, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, North Sulawesi and Southwest Papua.

"The rejection was based on the consideration that the munaslub was held without following the provisions in the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry's Articles of Association and Bylaws (AD/ART)," said Kadin's official statement on Saturday, September 14.

Chairman of Kadin Gorontalo Muhalim Djafar Litty said his staff would continue to support Arsjad's leadership until 2026. Muhalim also emphasized that Kadin's AD/ART did not recognize the term munaslub or interim replacement.

According to Muhalim, the munaslub can only be held if there are violations of the principles contained in organizational regulations. He stressed that this could also be done after the chairman of Kadin did not heed two written warnings.

Similarly, the General Chairperson of the Southeast Sulawesi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Anton Timbang, also called the munaslub movement invalid and inappropriate to the AD/ART.

"The Southeast Sulawesi Kadin Management Board rejects all forms of illegal movement. We consider that all actions that are not in line with organizational regulations (can) damage Kadin's dignity as an organization forum for the business world," he said.

The General Chairperson (Ketum) Arsjad Rasjid had released his position at the 2024 presidential election. At that time, he was appointed chairman of the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD.

The entrepreneurial organization was then led by the Acting Daily Chairman of the Head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi. Then, Arsjad took over his position again after Ganjar-Mahfud lost in the 2024 presidential election.

Meanwhile, the Head of the North Maluku Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Umar Lessy, expressed his support for Arsjad's leadership even though he had given up his position some time ago.

"The Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Arsjad Rasjid, has received approval to be temporarily unable to be temporarily approved by all regional Kadin general chairmen and the Extraordinary Association," said Umar.

"This is in accordance and does not violate the provisions of Article 5 of Law no. 1 of 1987 concerning Kadin in conjunction with Article 14 AD Kadin. We believe that this decision was taken to maintain the neutrality and integrity of the Kadin organization," he continued.

It is known that Arsjad still has an obligation to become Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry until 2026. This is a decision when he is elected by acclamation in 2021.

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