JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has completed the arrangement of the Waterfront City Panarooran area in order to present world-class tourism on Lake Toba.

The arrangement of the Waterfront City area of Pangururan was built with a budget of Rp. 161.5 billion, as well as the arrangement of the Panorama Tele area. Development began on September 19, 2022 and was completed on January 23, 2024.

So, what exactly is Waterfront City?

Quoted from the upload on the official Instagram account of the Ministry of PUPR @kemenpupr, Saturday, September 14, Waterfront City is a concept of regional development near waters such as beaches, rivers or lakes.

"Technically, this term means an area that is on the edge of the sea or a city bordering the waters," explained PUPR.

PUPR explained that there are four principles in the design of Waterfront City. First, cooperation between various parties in developing watershed areas as an attraction for visitors.

Second, the development of the concept of water edges through the potential that exists in the area as an attraction for visitors to come to the area.

"Third, the development of activities in watersheds and enjoying activities around the port as a potential to provide valuable experiences for visitors," he explained.

Fourth or last, namely developing the theme at the entrance from the river, the lake is the development of main activities in the watershed area.

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