JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has built a number of basic infrastructures to support life in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan. One of them is reservoirs or water reservoirs.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that his party had built 22 reservoirs in IKN. This includes MBH Embung which is located in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP).

However, there is something unique about this reservoir. According to Basuki, this MBH embung is the same as the initials. This has also become a joke topic he made.

"This bubble is MBH's name. That is, Mochamad Basuki Hadimuljono," joked Basuki while laughing, accompanied by laughter from the audience during his visit to Embung MBH, quoted from the Instagram video upload @kemenpupr, Friday, September 13.

Basuki assessed that the large number of reservoirs in IKN made the naming difficult. Therefore, he gave a name with the initials letters to make it easier.

"Because we had a lot earlier, A, B, C, D, E, it was difficult. So, I gave the name Embung MBH," he said.

As a whole, the PUPR Ministry targets to build as many as 30 reservoirs. Meanwhile, currently, the reservoir projects that have been completed have reached 22 reservoirs.

"The total will be 30 and the President (Jokowi) asks for 60 reservoirs," he said.

Furthermore, Basuki explained, the function of this reservoir is for water conservation. This MBH complex has a capacity of 66,000 cubic meters with a depth of 6 meters (m). This area is also accompanied by jogging tracks of about 3 kilometers (km).

"So, in the morning it is used for jogging tracks, this is the best possible spot. Because there is the Garuda Palace and the State Palace as well as the offices of the Coordinating Ministry," he added.

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