The State Electricity Company Labor Union (SP PLN) has stated that it rejects the electricity network rental scheme or the Joint Utilization of the Transmission Network (PBJT) in the Draft Law on New Energy and Renewable Energy (RUU EBET) because it is considered not to side with the populist economy.

Chairman of the DPP SP PT PLN (Persero) Abrar Ali in a statement in Jakarta, Thursday, September 12, explained the reason for the rejection, where first, the PBJT scheme is very contrary to Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution which mandates the strategic sector regarding the lives of many people must be controlled by the state.

In this case, SOEs are represented as managers. If the scheme is implemented, state control will not automatically be fulfilled because some have switched to the private sector.

Second, continued Abrar Ali, the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) No. 36/2012 which states that the manager of the people's livelihoods is BUMN/PLN, not private.

"Thirdly, the Constitutional Court Decision No. 001-021-022/PUU-I/2003, states that the policy of separating the business of providing electricity with an unfunding system (in Law No.20/2002) reduces the meaning of being controlled by the state contained in Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution. Thus, the unfunding system containing the scheme is also unconstitutional, and must be rejected," he said, quoted from Antara.

Fourth, the Constitutional Court Decision No. 111/PUU-XIII/2015 states that the electricity business carried out competitively and unfunding is contrary to Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution. It is explained that electricity as public utilities cannot be submitted to the free market mechanism, because the parties make decisions based on supply and demand.

According to Abarar, the same thing when viewed from the economic and socio-political aspects, the scheme is very detrimental to the community.

Pada Putusan MK No.001-021-022/PUU-I/2003, menjelaskan dalam mekanisme pasar bebas yang berkuntung adalah pemilik modal dan yang terjadi adalah kerugian sosial pada masyarakat. Hal ini dapat berarti negara tidak lagi memberikan protection kepada mayoritas rakyat yang hidup kekurangan secara ekonomi," jelasnya.

Abrar said that the implementation of the PBJT scheme should not be too forced, because it will be very detrimental to the state and society. Studies on the amount of losses to the government and society on the impact of the PBJT have also been carried out.

He reminded that in making laws, there are a number of aspects that must be passed, namely, planning, preparation, discussion, ratification, and legislation. The process of establishing the EBET Law must also follow this stage by containing the principles of openness, democracy, accountability and public participation, in order to comply with the rule of law and constitution.

"Therefore, it is better if the issue of ratification of the EBET Bill is postponed until it is really convincing to provide benefits for the community. Don't because of the temporary interests or a group, everything is lawful," said Abrar.

Previously, the Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Eniya Listiani Dewi, views that the electricity network rental scheme in the EBET Bill is not a form of the national electricity industry's free market (liberalization), but aims to optimize its distribution at a more affordable price, as well as increase the mix of renewable energy.

"If there is a source of resources that wants to sell to PLN consumers, it is not allowed in this PLN business area, then it is not allowed to sell to other business areas directly to customers. So for the market that is free to the housewives, we have not been there yet," said Eniya Listiani Dewi at a media meeting in Jakarta, Monday 9 September.

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