Bank Mandiri continues to be committed to providing integrated financial services for customers and business partners through its flagship platform, Livin' Merchant. Consistently to present innovations, Bank Mandiri has again introduced various new features designed to make it easier for business actors throughout Indonesia.

In line with efforts to become The Most Preferred Apps for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Merchant, Livin' Merchant presents four new capabilities in 2024 through Enhanced Point of Sales, F&B Solution, Payment Acceptance, and Value Chain with a variety of new, integrated features.

Bank Mandiri Network and Retail Banking Director Aquarius Rudianto explained, these new features offer comprehensive digitalization solutions for business actors or merchants to manage businesses in one application and provide direct access to distributors.

"With just one application, business actors can easily manage all aspects of their business, thereby increasing efficiency and productivity," Aquarius said in a press statement, Thursday, September 12.

Enhanced Point-of-Sales (POS) is one of the main updates that Livin' Merchant has presented. One of its flagship features is Multi Outlet which allows business owners to manage more than one outlet in one application, such as adding outlets, assigning employee assignments to each outlet, setting taxes and service fees, to monitoring financial reports from all outlets.

Furthermore, said Aquarius, specifically for Bank Mandiri Business Entity merchants, it is easier to register through the Company Onboarding feature with profits in the form of free POS facilities for subscription fees and disbursement of funds three times a day automatically. In addition, the Bulk Upload & Add Variant feature allows merchants to register large amounts of products and create variants for each product, making it easier to manage inventory and product.

To support business actors in the food and beverages (F&B) sector, Livin' Merchant presents a new solution that can improve the development of culinary businesses. Features such as the Session Method make it easier for merchants to provide order presentation options with open or close bill systems, and there are dine-in and take away options that make it easier for customers.

There is also a Kitchen Order Information feature for printing order receipts and checkers for chefs so that outlet operations are more efficient. As for the QR Table Order feature, customers simply scan the QR available on the table to view and order menus. In addition, the feature, F&B Kiosk makes it easier for customers to self-order through Kiosk placed in a number of culinary areas with a wide selection of merchants.

Livin' Merchant also expands practical payment options using debit cards and credit cards through Card Dongle. Customers simply enter or paste the card on the available dongle card. Not only that, Livin' Merchants make it easy for merchants to order goods from the application according to business needs through the Shopping feature to Distributors, as well as the Check Order feature to monitor purchases and delivery of goods from the application.

"With an integrated F&B solution, multiple management outlets, flexible payment options, and direct access to distributors, Livin' Merchant is the most reliable application for business actors to manage and develop their businesses," Aquarius added.

As additional information, since its launch in mid-2023 which is currently almost one year old, as of August 2024 Livin' Merchant has been used by more than two million business actors with transaction frequencies of more than 74 million times and transaction value of more than IDR 8 trillion.

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