JAKARTA - The beauty business will continue to grow rapidly despite a decline in the number of middle class and in the middle class who face a decrease in purchasing power. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that the number of middle class residents in Indonesia reached 47.85 million people in 2024, down from 2023 which reached 48.27 million people.

According to owners of beauty clinics such as Y2SKYN, dr. Pratiwi Nugraheni and dr. Puspa H Widyowati, MARS. MM. that beauty treatments are often considered as investments in oneself, especially in difficult times.

"Beauty and well-being are priorities to maintain confidence and health," said dr. Pratiwi in a press release, Thursday 12 September.

Seeing this potential he and his colleague, dr. Puspa H Widyowati, MARS., MM. opened a beauty clinic like Y2SKYN in strategic locations such as the Adityawarman LCC. The location was chosen because it has easy access and is in the center of urban activity.

This location not only attracts the attention of Gen Z and young professionals, but also those who are looking for beauty solutions with limited time, such as before or after a meeting, explained dr. Puspa. dr. Puspa who said this strategic location factor is considered capable of answering the needs of the community needs a short and practical treatment place in the middle of a routine.

In addition, Y2SKYN carries the concept of personalized treatment that is more relevant to individual needs, so that it can still reach various levels of society with adjusted services.

"With this approach, Y2SKYN still has the opportunity to grow amid the economic challenges faced by the middle class," added dr. Pratiwi.

Moreover, the clinic he founded carries the Unique Concept of "Organic Futurism". Namely combining modern treatments with traditional techniques such as Guasha using personalized crystals. Y2SKYN offers a different experience than other beauty clinics. This concept attracts those who seek a holistic approach in beauty, especially Gen Z who tend to be interested in natural methods but still want advanced technology.

Y2SKYN beauty clinics are present as beauty solutions for the younger generation and all groups. With the concept of Organic Futurism, Y2SKYN offers modern treatments combined with Sha Cave natural techniques. These clinics focus not only on external results, but also on the welfare of patients through the use of natural crystals that are tailored to the needs of their respective skins.

The tagline "Alter Ego Not Your Ego" describes the personal approach of Y2SKYN. Each patient is identified based on their Alter Ego through an interactive qualifier on the www.y2skyn.com page, and gets treatment according to their skin characteristics. For example, the Sun with Green Jade for bright and bright skin, Oceans with Blue Aventurine for intensive hydration, as well as Purnama with Amethyst for anti-aging effects.

Y2SKYN is also the most complete beauty destination with the Curated Beauty Space concept, where in addition to facial treatments, there are other beauty services such as eyelash extensions by Anggie Rassly, a blow bar from Mirror Mirror, IV booster from IVimatins, and nail treatment from Manifest. Located at the 2nd Floor Adityawarman LCC, this clinic offers a comfortable and strategic atmosphere, making it the perfect place to get beauty treatments on the sidelines of daily busyness.

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