YOGYAKARTA - How much is there rice planting season in Indonesia? In agricultural activities, there is knowledge of the planting season that every farmer needs to understand. This traditional method is used to mark the best time to grow crops, including rice.

Although rice can be grown throughout the year, usually farmers will consider weather conditions or seasons to start planting. Because the availability of water greatly affects the growth and quality of rice itself.

The rice planting season in Indonesia is divided into three terms. So what are the distributions of the rice planting season in Indonesia and what are the effects of farming?

The knowledge of the planting season has existed for a long time or from traditional agriculture. The planting season is a time guideline used as a reference for the starting stage of planting rice.

This planting season plays a very important role in the smoothness and quality of yields. By understanding the planting season, workers in the agricultural sector get a view of plant cultivation procedures.

In cultivating rice, there are two important aspects that must be understood so that the planting process can be successful and without obstacles. Here are two aspects:

The rice planting season in Indonesia is divided into three, namely the main planting season, the gadu planting season, and the dry planting season. The following is an explanation of the rice planting season quoting from the litbang.farm.go.id page

This planting season lasts from November, December, January, February, and March. The main planting season is carried out during the rainy season, both on wetland and dry soil.

The planting of rice in wet soil is carried out in areas of land that have good irrigation. Meanwhile, rice planting in dry soil is carried out by rainsheds.

The planting season period occurs in April, May, June, and July. The gadu planting season is done without getting water, but uses rainwater or rainsheds.

During the dry season, farmers can still plant rice with an irrigation record or a irrigation system that must run smoothly. The dry planting season lasts from August, September, and October.

Each planting season produces different harvest quantities. The main planting season is able to produce large harvests (cost harvests). While the gadu planting season produces gadu harvest and dry planting season gives a small harvest;

The amount of rice or yield is mostly available within one month after the harvest period (February to June). So the peak of rice stock is obtained from March to July.

During the harvest season, there were busy activities after harvest. Starting from drying, rice milling, collecting in distribution warehouses, to providing rice stocks.

The filling of rice stocks by Bulog generally takes place in March to July. The maximum amount of rice stock will occur in August. The availability of this rice will be used later in November, December, January, or at a small harvest.

Thus, there are how many reviews regarding the rice planting season in Indonesia. The rice planting season is divided into three periods, namely the main planting season, the gadu planting season, and the dry planting season. Also read the modernization of helping farmers optimize agricultural products.

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