JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will have an office in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) starting this week until retirement. In line with this agenda, a Plenary Cabinet Session will be held on Friday, September 13.

This was revealed by the Minister of PUPR and Acting Head of the IKN Authority Basuki Hadimuljono when met by reporters at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, September 9.

"If the latest news is Thursday (Jokowi to IKN), the invitation is for the Cabinet Session on Friday. I just received (information) the Plenary Cabinet Session tomorrow Friday," he said.

On the other hand, Basuki guaranteed the readiness of IKN ahead of Jokowi's move there.

According to him, the preparation was much more mature than when the Indonesian Independence Day was held on August 17.

"I think that on August 17 yesterday (infrastructure) we can do it, now it's more ready. Hopefully the airport can be accommodated, I'll go there Wednesday," he said.

For IKN Airport, Basuki said the progress of the runway construction had exceeded 2,100 meters from the total need of 2,200 meters.

Targeted tonight, development can penetrate that target.

"Hopefully this afternoon or tonight it will be 2,200, the markings have been made 3 days ago, the taxiway and apron have been completed," said Basuki.

Likewise with office areas. Basuki said that Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy had held a coordination meeting (Rakor) at the Coordinating Ministry Office 1.

Although it has not been completed 100 percent, a number of floors can be used.

"ASN apartments too, that's it, now they are better prepared. I think 14 towers have been completed for 600 residences. If one (unit) is occupied for three singles, it means that 1,800 people have been. If one family is in the same apartment, drinking water is ready. I think the minimum need for government administration is ready," he said.

For your information, Jokowi's plan to have an office in IKN for 40 days was confirmed by the Head of the Presidential Communication Office Hasan Nasbi.

From September 10 to October 19, Jokowi plans to work, receive guests, and hold important meetings in the new capital city.

"The Garuda Palace where the president works as head of government can be used. So, it is natural that the president wants to feel the desire to work at the Garuda Palace before the government relay is handed over to the next president. After all, this is his legacy," Hasan explained in a written statement, Monday 9 September.

"The president can still make work visits to other regions by departing from IKN. However, delegating several agendas to the vice president is also possible," he said.

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