Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi revealed that the administration of transportation during the administration of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), in the last 10 years has faced extraordinary challenges.

"The transportation budget for the last 10 years has faced extraordinary challenges. The pandemic situation that had occurred and forced various parties to brake," he said in an official statement, Friday, September 6.

However, continued Budi, this condition did not dampen the struggle to be more active in carrying out development so that Indonesia would not be left behind.

Budi said the 2024 Hub Space is a special moment, because the cooperation of all stakeholders has succeeded in completing the mandate of transportation administration according to President Jokowi's vision and mission for the last 10 years, namely realizing a critical Indonesia.

All levels of society in Indonesia are increasingly able to experience integration and transportation connectivity, making mobility easier. For this reason, the theme of the Hub Space which is carried this year's Integrated Mobility for All, he said.

The Ministry of Transportation, continued Budi, succeeded in completing the construction of 45 National Strategic Projects, building and rehabilitating 193 seaports, building and rehabilitating 91 airports, building 157 transportation infrastructures in the land sector, and completing 80 development programs in the railway sector.

"The development of transportation infrastructure in all corners of the country will certainly support the smooth distribution of national logistics, facilitate community mobility, and support economic activities so that they can prosper the community," he said.

Budi said, infrastructure development is also accompanied by various other programs, such as operational subsidies. So that transportation services are more affordable, comfortable, and fair.

According to Budi, the Indonesian people should be happy because currently there are various alternatives to modern transportation modes that are environmentally friendly, comfortable, fast, and integrated.

Among them are Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), Light Rail Transit (LRT), Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), trash, and Autonomus Rail Transit (ART) which were recently used in the capital city of the archipelago.

The implementation of modern transportation technology places Indonesia as a country that should be taken into account in the Asian region. In fact, what is also encouraging is that our reality is that we have succeeded in becoming the bywords of the international community," he said.

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