JAKARTA - In the framework of National Customer Day 2024, TASPEN's Board of Directors conducted a direct review of services at five TASPEN branch offices, namely the Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, and Depok Branch Offices. This activity is filled with interactive dialogue with participants to listen to experiences and get input from participants in an effort to map service improvements, so that participants can feel the presence and concern of TASPEN leadership for the quality of existing services.

Plt. President Director of TASPEN Rony Hanityo Aprianto and Director of Compliance and Risk Management Diyantini Soesilowati conducted a review at the Bekasi Branch Office, TASPEN Operations Director Ariyandi at the Jakarta II Branch Office located in Central Jakarta, TASPEN Finance Director Rena Latsmi Puri at the Tangerang Branch Office, HR and IT Ovita Director Susiana Rosya at the Depok Branch Office, and Director of Planning and Actuarial Feb Sumandar at the Jakarta Branch Office I located in South Jakarta, Thursday 4 September.

The review activity was also attended by the TASPEN Group Representative as an effort to increase the spirit of service and proximity to TASPEN participants. TASPEN Corporate Secretary Henra said, as a BUMN serving Retired ASN and State Officials, TASPEN on National Customer Day 2024 showed concern for participants as a form of appreciation for their dedication.

"This is an important moment for us to emphasize TASPEN's sincerity in listening to and meeting the needs of participants," he said, in a written statement, Friday, September 6.

Sri Sugiarni, one of the retired participants from the Tangerang TASPEN Branch Office, admitted that she was very happy with the progress TASPEN has made in improving service quality. Innovations that are implemented, such as the latest digital system and improving service accessibility, make it easier for us to access information and pension-related needs.

"This has significantly improved our experience in interacting with TASPEN," he said.

In line with Sri Sugiarni, Sumi Hartobi as a widow pension participant from the TASPEN Bekasi Branch Office said, as a user of the TASPEN Authentication application, she really appreciated the convenience given by TASPEN. This digital innovation allows me to verify whenever and anywhere, without having to come to the Branch Office.

"In addition, the use of TASPEN One Hour Online Service (TOOS) TASPEN services is also very helpful in obtaining information regarding the estimated pension funds that I will receive in the future," he explained.

In recent years, TASPEN has carried out various digital innovations in the service process to ensure participants' needs are met, including through Taspen One Hour Online Services (TOOS) which is a one-door service for submitting claims online so that participants can access TASPEN services from anywhere and anytime with a maximum processing time for one hour after the claim document is declared complete. In addition, there is also an innovation in the form of an Authentication TASPEN Application which is an online service for validating participant identities using participants' personal devices.

As of August 2024, TASPEN has 6.7 million participants, with details of 3.5 million of whom are retired participants and 3.2 million others are active participants. It is recorded that TASPEN has completed 605,936 participant claims for all TASPEN guarantee products in the period January to August 2024 appropriately with a 5T commitment, namely Right Administrative, Right Person, Right Time, Right Number, and Right Place.

The largest claims in the Pension Program product were 363,294 claims and Old Age Savings (THT) products with 223,586 claims. Meanwhile, for the Work Accident Insurance (JKK) and Death Security (JKM) programs there were 19,056 claims. Review of service activities by the TASPEN Board of Directors in the context of National Customer Day 2024 is also equipped with souvenirs and provision of special banquets for participants who attend the branch offices.

This is a form of TASPEN appreciation to participants who have been an important part of TASPEN's business success so far. In addition, there are interesting promos given by TASPEN Group, namely Bank Mandiri Taspen and Taspen Life to participants.

TASPEN is committed to continuing to improve service quality for the participants. With experience in managing social insurance since 1963, TASPEN will continue to carry out business processes dynamically and strive to meet the needs of participants by continuing to adapt to technological advances. This is in line with the direction of SOE Minister Erick Thohir who stated that every BUMN business should make customers an inspiration in innovation and adaptation, so that the business being run does not only focus on competition, but also on customer satisfaction.

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