The Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has donated Jalan Sudirman Kandan to the South Hulu Sungai Regency Government (Pemkab HSS) of South Kalimantan Province (Kalsel).

The HSS Regency Government received the handover of the old arterial road through the South Kalimantan National Road Implementation Center (BPJN).

Acting Regent HSS Endri and Head of BPJN South Kalimantan Khusairi signed the News of the Handover of Grants and the Script of the State Property Grant Agreement (BMN) in Banjarmasin.

"By granting this old road segment, now it is entirely the responsibility of road maintenance in the hands of the HSS Regency Government," said Head of BPJN Khusairi as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, September 5.

The Ministry of PUPR RI handed over Jalan Sudirman after the implementation of Jalan By Pass Kandangan or Jalan Lingkar Baru as sections of Jalan Provinsi Baru which is part of the national road, the old road segment or which crosses the inner city is automatically not used.

Khusai explained that this national road grant had actually been carried out for the previous road section, namely Jalan A. Yani with a value of IDR 5 billion.

This handover was carried out for the rest of Jalan Sudirman to the city area with a value of Rp. 20 billion.

"So we have donated a total of two national roads to HSS," said Head of the General BPJN South Kalimantan Iberahim added.

Acting Regent of HSS Endri appreciated the Ministry of PUPR and BPJN of South Kalimantan for donating this road to be managed by local governments.

"This is certainly a mandate for the region and we will manage it well because Jalan Sudirman is the center of the economy and development," said Endri.

According to him, Jalan Sudirman can be done quickly after the handover of the grant.

Endri revealed that Jalan Sudirman is also the main route for office, education and health centers that need to be maintained because it will develop well in the future.

It is known that all types of passenger transportation and goods must pass through the new Kandangan ring route or By Pass Street some time ago.

Overall, By Pass Kandangan plus Al Falah Street and HM Street. Yusi stretches almost 8 km from the Ketupat Hamalau Monument to Muara Sangkuang, Gumpung Luar Village.

This new route replaces the old city segment, namely Jalan Sudirman and Jalan A. Yani which must be managed so that it needs to be donated to the HSS Regency Government.

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