JAKARTA - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI) guarantees that it will continue to distribute dividends with a large ratio for the next five years because the company's capital is still strong.

BRI President Director Sunarso ensured that the company's current access to capital was sufficient at IDR 41 trillion or with the Capital Adequency Ratio (CAR) which reached 25 percent. So that the company does not need to withhold profits.

"I am sure that for the next 5 years, whatever BRI's profit deserves to be distributed as dividends. It is just a matter of waiting for the approval of the authorities when this can be done, because we do not need additional capital," he said in the Public Expose Live 2024, August 29.

Furthermore, Sunarso said that the company will continue to distribute dividend pay out ratios which will be issued over the next five years will still be high and ensure BRI's profit no matter how much it will definitely be distributed in dividend form.

According to Sunarso, the strengthening of new capital comes from the formation of Ultra Micro (UMi) holdings involving three State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in 2021, where BRI is the holding company of PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM), and PT Pegadaian.

Currently CAR BRI reaches 25 percent in the first semester of 2024. According to Sunarso, the CAR requirements needed to measure the risk are only 17.5 percent.

"Our CAR reaches 25 percent, while to measure the risk, CAR needs at most 17.5 percent, so we still have room for capital growth," he explained.

Sunarso added, it is better if the dividend distribution is in three months compared to the total dividend at once.

However, he submitted the dividend distribution mechanism to relevant authorities in the future.

"If we allow us to pay dividends every 3 months, we do it. Why? It's better for us to pay dividend installments than at once," said Sunarso.

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